Restoring your soil’s natural fertility.

At Urth, we like to say “Give us your toughest ground.

Tired or compacted soil? Water challenges or pests? We’ve been there. And succeeded where others failed.

Urth products support healthier, balanced soils. And unlike the toxic chemicals used since World War II, our products work with Nature’s Soil Food Web to leverage your soil’s microbiome and its ability to feed and protect plants along with other beneficial life that resides there.

A self-reinforcing beneficial cycle.

We understand the genuine fear farmers experience when contemplating swapping “trusted” chemical pesticides and fertilizers for organic products. Will they be ineffective? Will they cost more? Will they decrease yields? Will I have more pest and disease issues? Will they pose a risk to income?

Urth Agriculture says, “NO!” The PRO GROW SYSTEM™ supports an organic system, allowing it to work as nature intended, to produce healthier crops with greater yields - all at a fraction of the cost.

By improving agricultural practices, farmers can become individual contributors to a collective effort to help solve many issues facing humanity today. The climate crisis is real. Current ag practices emit a staggering 25-30 percent of greenhouse gas that warm the planet, which contribute to a plethora of issues including crop damage, increased climate / weather events, accelerating pest pressures, plant and soil pathogens, and food insecurity. The negative effects have all been exacerbated by extended and continual use of traditional, toxic agricultural products.

By creating healthy soil, farms can sequester more carbon and improve soil structure with improved water holding capacity to better protect crops. This is especially important as our weather becomes more unpredictable. Building soil organic matter allows soil to hold more water that can potentially spare crops from a delayed growing cycle or (even worse) being completely destroyed by Atmospheric River Flooding Events.

It’s more important than ever for farmers to achieve crop resilience through organic solutions. Conventional operations that have made the switch to Urth Agriculture have been blown away with the results and only regret not trying the Pro Grow System™ sooner.

Seeing success despite the odds.

Rust in coffee and cacao plants, Red Blotch in grapes, and the Panama Disease in bananas are just some examples of maladies that are effectively untreatable with a long list of conventional products.

Urth products have successfully remediated some of these problems. See the reports below for more details.

Conclusion Report Red Blotch

Conclusion Report Red Blotch 2020

Coffee Costa Rica

Coffee Nic. Report

Iceberg Lettuce Report

Spinach Arizona Report

Spinach CA Report

Baby Potato Report

Pests & remediating chemical damage.

For problems with especially stubborn predatory pests, Urth similarly has solutions. We recently worked with a Mexican tomato grower on a whitefly problem. See the attached report for more details.

White Fly Report

We’ve also helped in directly addressing damage from chemicals, such as restoring the health of table and wine grapes badly damaged by overspray of Round Up and the mistaken application of Round Up injected into the farm’s irrigation system.